Monday, December 15, 2008

Cannondale Factory Tour

Hey Guys, everyone post some pics from the tour, and your thoughts.

I had an great time, and I want to sincerely thank Zerbe for taking the time out of his day to show us kids around the factory. It was educational, fun, and super duper awesome.

Afterwards, we all shared lunch at the Jean Bonnet Tavern, and said goodbye to Zerbe and hit the road. I gotta say, I was stoked for the new frame, and now I simply can't contain myself.

I stole some pics from Liew but I won't steal his opportunity to post them!

PS check out the link to my blog to see how my KM looks with a suspension fork on more rigid....for now at least.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

So no one got any destructed carbon frames to hang on their wall?