School session rolled into week number 2. On Monday and for the next following Mondayssss, our club organized a group exercise called pylometric?pyrometric?or ploughmetric....Anyway, this pylo activity drew some attention to some club members including Bala, Jake, Duncan, Zerbe, Adam, Emily, Larry, and last but not least COACH AMBER. Coach Amber found a sweet spot for us behind Rec center near the pond but kinda in the "woods". We performed some warm up and then real pylo kicked in after that. Meanwhile, our potential women A rider, Emily, was too "into" this activity and had herself out of control and sprained her ankle pretty bad. One down, but pylo continue....
As you can see pictures below, it describes:
Our rookie, Duncan is doing hardwork.
Broken hand Jake: one handed to show off his awesomeness.
Coach Amber the sexy "taken" lady.
See that orange shirt guy on the backside of the grass? That's Balaji, cheating among groups
Working Hard....Where is Larry Chet-Mun Elvis Liew??
Party at bikeplex(2867-3 University ave), 9pm, 9/3, woot woot...
Larry was exercising his picture taking finger...
and Emily was at MedExpress... I was soo not out of control, that grass was evil and had it in for me.
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